Opportunity Culture Audio
What do great Opportunity Culture educators do, and what have they learned about successfully redesigning school roles to reach all students with excellent teaching? Opportunity Culture Audio pieces bring their voices and advice to you, to help confront some of the stickiest issues facing education.
Opportunity Culture Audio
#12. For N.C. Superintendent, Opportunity Culture® Teams Lead to a “Return on Instructional Investment”
Public Impact
Season 1
Episode 12
Since 2017, the Vance County, N.C., school system has used Opportunity Culture® teaching teams to improve teacher retention and student learning. How has the district sustained implementation through a pandemic and transition to a new superintendent? Superintendent Cindy Bennett discusses what the district values in the support these teams provide, and how it continues to learn and adjust its use of the model—with a focus on Aycock Elementary, now in year six of implementation and exceeding the state’s expectations for student learning growth.
For more, read "Keeping Advanced Roles Alive and Thriving: Vance County's Experience"